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31 March, 2005
# the royal order of ordained minutemen
the minuteman project is a very scary thing. A group of yokels, diehards, racists, vigilantes, steer chowin' 'mericans or any combination of the above are convening on arizona's southern border to "bring national attention to the fact that the U. S. Federal Government is not fulfilling its mission to protect American citizens from the economic and physical danger of porous borders." what i see is vigilante law being practiced in this area. how soon till we hear about slaughtered illegal immigrants or some knuckle-dragger who blew his own fred flintstone foot off? this may come off as presumptious, but perhaps you should check out what 'Jack, a border area resident' has to say of the current situation;
"Most of the Democrats here are more conservative than urban Republicans." okay.... "We have about 30,000 Hispanics, mostly Mexican-American, with most of them concentrated in the town of Douglas. Most hate the border situation as much as we do. They've been here ever since the US Cav sorted out the Apaches and know quite well just how unsuccesful the Spaniards and Mexicans were. A lot of them speak very little Spanish. Believe it or not, I have to depend on a Puerto Rican lady at work for any Spanish assistance." well, for starters here's what the history books define as "sorting out:" June 27, 1857—Gila River. "The earliest recorded U.S. Army conflict with Apache Indians in Eastern Arizona was an affair known as the Gila River Massacre. "On June 27, 1857, elements of the First U.S. Dragoons attacked a peaceful camp of Coyotero Apaches who were gathering mescal along the Gila River near Mount Graham. The soldiers, led by Captain R.S. Ewell ... reported killing twenty-four Indians and taking twenty-seven prisoners in this unprovoked attack." mescal is a type of cactus used to make food / liquor and the like. so 'jack' doesn't know spanish? well, now that we are starting to see where 'jack' is coming from and what kind of human being and 'merican 'jack' is shaping up to be, one might not be so surprised that he doesn't seem to know spanish. wouldn't that be a prerequisite for this kind of work though? i hope that "puerto rican lady" has a sense of humour. one of the links off the poorly designed minuteman project homepage caught my eye: team america!! what?! i can't hear you!! TEAM AMERICA! YEAH! a quick perusal through the mostly boring and parroted message boards provided this little gem:
hmm....."harmless but patriotic MMP 'vigilantes'" and there was this one too:
the post went on to talk about getting back to local farms, and not big corporate ones, and i have to agree with that, but i don't think for the same reasons. so, what i'm thinking is this: here's the normal mode of transportation for illegal immigrants in the 20th century: ![]() ![]() ....oh yes, notice the beatings. and here's the normal mode of transportation for illegal immigrants in the 17th century: ![]() ![]() well, the shit would hit the fan soon enough. ![]() here's more native americans welcoming their white illegal immigrant brothers to the plains! ![]() americans, or at least 'jack' and his ilk are short-sighted. what a fucking bunch of horseshit. our only hope sometimes seems like the extinction of mankind. sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments # it's all about the tubez
I don't like that tubes, particularly feeding tubes are making their way into the news. i bet it becomes a buzz-word used to get people's attention. so fucking stupid. i hate everything sometimes.
TuB3z!!!11 M0r3 of TEH TUBB3X0rZ!!!!1112 sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 30 March, 2005
# ooohh!!!! it's my LIVEJOURNAL!!!!
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments # "culture of life"
from today's metro - written by mike mennonno:
With the media swarm around Terri Schiavo, we’ve been hearing a lot about one of president Bush’s much-vaunted “core values:” his “culture of life.” There is a certain irony, to put it mildly, in a self-proclaimed bornagain Christian who, in the years since he was saved, has presided over more executions than any governor in recent history, one of which was that of a severely retarded man. And who, as President, has launched a war based on dubious intelligence that has claimed over 1,500 American lives, and the lives of no fewer than 17,000 Iraqis. And who has actively sought ways to undermine the Geneva Conventions. Whose administration condones and currently outsources the torture of detainees. But it has a nice ring to it, this political catchphrase “culture of life,” and that’s what matters, isn’t it? Bush and his people don’t inhabit our humdrum “reality-based” world. They live in that rarified faith-based realm, where neocons create reality for the rest of us by fiat. If Bush says it’s a culture of life, well then, it must be, right? And while we’re at it, war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, according to this new doubleplus goodthink. Yes, there are some inconvenient facts to be dealt with, but faith can move mountains, so what’s a fact or two? Still for you reality based readers, here’s a random few: there’s the racial disparity in health care coverage that, according to a recent study headed by former Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher, accounts for more than 80,000 African American deaths per year. Or take access to condoms in vulnerable populations. AIDS is on the rise again, but forget about the government funding education or prevention measures. Bush’s policy, in a nutshell: Poor people should stop having sex, period. Problem solved. If the poor insist on pursuing their own culture of life, they’ll have to go head-to-head with Bush’s. The odds aren’t good. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2002 infant mortality increased in the U.S. for the first time since 1958, and now stands as 42nd highest in the world, behind Cuba and China. And what about the natural environment necessary to sustain life? The U.S. ranked 45th — behind Russia and Botswana — in the World Economic Forum’s 2005 environmental sustainability index. What would a real “culture of life” look like? For starters, it would recognize that education, affordable healthcare, and a living wage go a long way toward creating an environment where people can make informed choices about medical care and family planning rather than merely react to crises. And it would not abandon children once they were born. A political culture that shells out taxpayer dollars for half-baked propaganda, one that professes love of life while pursuing costly policies at home and abroad that result in death, that exploits the real misfortune of a family for its own gain is not a “culture of life.” It is a culture of lies. sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 29 March, 2005
# "aparrently we're big in japan"
weird, i googled my old mp3.com name, 'i, sine perversion' and it looks like i had listings in japan too...
http://www.listen.co.jp/artdetail.xtp?artistid=65805 "it appears we're no.1 in japan." ![]() sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments # NEWS: Today's stupidities
'Video Warehouse is in a location zoned for adult entertainment, but the store isn’t licensed for live nude performances, said Police Chief Robert Champagne.'
call me ignorant, but isn't an adult video store essentially just a gigantic catalogue of nude performances? you can take a trip to peabody's one and only video warehouse and pick up your copy of anal blasters pt.7, but if a naked boob should pop out on the premises, then the cops will be called! what's more troubling than the underlying irony and puritinism is that this is seen as a problem. this is less stupid as it is just funny. on saturday in hong kong, some dude named 'Wu' got THE DUMP from his gf & decided to empty his 35th floor aptartment on to the street. no arressts were made because no one was hurt. expect poor Wu, i guess. ![]() sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 28 March, 2005
# NEWS: today's from the Shiavo clusterfuck
The Schindlers had urged supporters to spend Easter at home with their own families. from CNN ![]() sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 23 March, 2005
# i wouldn't eat your pets
talking about vegetarianism with meat eaters is a finicky thing to do. they tend to get very defensive, like they know there's no good reason to eat another animal, other than carnal desire. perhaps that has it's place as well, as we are animals ourselves, but isn't it our plan to evolve? there are alternative sources of protein out there. i will not die of colon cancer, i will not get mad cow disease, i will not be responsible for 1000s of deaths this year. yes, it sounds cavalier, but why shouldn't it? i'd be cavalier in a way if i stopped someone about to eat a pickle that fell on the floor. i don't really care what people choose to eat, just as i don't care what people do in their lives in general, as long as it doesn't interfere with mine in a negative way. but there's 4 ways that people who aren't vegetarians react to vegetarians that i've found:
1) jokes, the most common, particularly jokes like, "you want bacon with that!? ha ha ha! or offering me some nasty meat-based dish. what the fuck? do i shove tofu in your face? do i threaten you with vegetables? yeah it's supposed to just be a joke, but come on. even for low-brow it's not that funny. 2) trying to impress - also just as common. "yeah, i don't eat meat that much either" or "oh i tried that, and i wish i stayed like that." ok, you probably should then. 3) pity - "oh you don't eat meat? that's too bad" oh please. justify that in an intelligent way. seriously. i could say the same thing, but i don't, and i wouldn't. 4) defensive words - probably the worst. some people actually get angry. not often, but it happens. i don't preach, so please don't do the same. if you have opinions, that's awesome, but so do i. sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 19 March, 2005
# finding beauty
after paying more attention to collins' website and his fotos i've decided to start looking harder for beauty.
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 18 March, 2005
# it's friday night
it's friday night and i'm staying in. yet, i'm getting drunk. my goal? to stay in on a friday night by myself, not sick, and not get drunk. i'm setting one year on this goal. yes, i have low expectations.
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments # ocular hell
chalazia sucks ass. it's day 4 and i'm sick of being a hideous looking gimp.
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 17 March, 2005
# i don't think i want to be here
there'a a job opening in my company in germany, and i'm considering e-mailing the IT director about it. i feel unhappy in the states, and maybe it's all in my head, but when i'm back in europe i just feel better. i think it's mostly political, or the fact that i never felt like a loser in europe. there seems to be less of a need or desire to fit in socially. fuck, what the fuck am i going to do?
Go for it! That's how I ended up at MW in the first place. Life's no fun if you are uncomfortable all the time. Also, I think it's always better to have the adventure than to say, "Wouldn't it have been cool if..." later.
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-Adam 16 March, 2005
# the amsterdam travel log: part 1
becky and i got back from amsterdam yesterday. it was a good trip and for the first time ever i didn't feel like going back home. usually after a week I need get back home for whatever reason. so I kept a little travelogue in a marble notebook which goes as follows:
3/10/05 - in amsterdam becky and i eat - tomato mozarella, lettuce and pesto on a dark roll. Cafe Stevens. the weather has held up and becky's feeling better. the night before i went out drinking and discussing politics / grand ideas with Kees and Joeri. i started thinking about how these types of situations in general work like the following images: [placeholder] 3/10/05:18,33 "De Pilsener Club 1615? i hope so 3/11/05 "De Sluyswacht" Dommelsch tastes like piss. Bikes => google batavus, sparta, gazelle, nostalgie, burco. 15,02 back again at cafe stevens to try the goat cheese sandwich. drinking duvel to Dave Vir. it's raining. 3/11/05:17,00 "Fockink" gin bar? 1679? two beers. two more beers. a lady from montreal was trying to give me a quick lesson in dutch. i keep thinking german, and i wish i didn't. i think i'll respect the dutch and stick to english so i don't mangle their language. at night we went to a few bars with Marcin Gajewski. one of them is called "lux" i think. you need an age coin from the bar to operate the cigarette machines in bars it seems. 3/12/05:16,00 at cafe stevens again, raining. if you order the young (or mature i guess) cheese, that's exactly what you get, a plate of cheese cubes with some really good mustard. becky saw a tinker pony around de waag. 3/12/05:00,32 red light district "drink & sink" what the fuck?!!? if i wanted downtown boston i would have stayed there!!! 3/13/05 artis (the zoo) the plan is to get to england for the next trip. we want to live there, we really want to live there. but is it for the best? (ja, dat verdomme engelsman -sgc) 3/14/05:00,05 the greenhouse eminem, woody harrelson, pierce brosnon, fran drescher all smoked here i guess. i keep toying with the idea, but becky won't. hash is here too i guess. it's pretty laid back. it's not raining anymore. 3/14/05:15,30 Cafe Chris 1624 (apparently the oldest bar in town) they used to drink here after working on the tower (the nearby church) in the original days of the bar. it's on the corner of bloemstraat and erste bloem dwarmstraat; anno 1624. 21,40 de pilsener club with collins for the last night. it's actually from 1893 and not the 17th century. we ate at rose a mexican restaurant, and then headed here. the place filled up really quick with about 30 dutch guys all in their early 20s with the same haircut and same kind of clothes. the two dutch girls that were there when we arrived were very happy about this. eye candy i guess. 3/15/05:01,30 "Buurvrauw" - one last time with collins. i love this place. collins and i went here the first night and i had been back about 4 times since. we're drunk.....let's drink sliante!!!!slainte!!! ~~~~~ wild peeing is what they call public urination wildplassen.....wildplassen = wild peeing, ricardo, WILD PEEING!!!!! [sic] (my friend was arrested for unauthorized watching of police arresting a wildplasser -sgc) that's all i wrote. sounddoc
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 15 March, 2005
# today
today i was in amsterdam. i wanted to write that before i went to bed, because now i am back in boston. more to come...
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 03 March, 2005
# don't call me, i'm so lonely?
i can't stand talking on the phone. i never know how long the conversation is going to last, and there's a million things i'd rather be doing than sitting idle while someone talks in my ear about things that i don't really care about. if it were up to me, i'd switch to instant messaging for all that non-essential stuff.
Comments:Post a Comment (0) comments 02 March, 2005
# well it wasn't that long ago
i'm wishing that i had taken more pictures of my old apartment. particularly a 1st person perspective of laying in my bad with nothing but the nightstand lamp onwhile i'm reading before sleeping. i read that camus book a lot and smoked while i did. if i ddi that now i'd wheeze all next day. i really am getting old. it's starting to show. should i be taking pictures of my current place? so that i can remember what it's like to get old? i'm terrified of the day when i don't want to have pictures of my living spaces, because it will just serve to portray how old i've gotten. so what if rob and i don't go out and get pissed together as much. so what.
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