
it happens mostly at night
23 March, 2005
# i wouldn't eat your pets
talking about vegetarianism with meat eaters is a finicky thing to do. they tend to get very defensive, like they know there's no good reason to eat another animal, other than carnal desire. perhaps that has it's place as well, as we are animals ourselves, but isn't it our plan to evolve? there are alternative sources of protein out there. i will not die of colon cancer, i will not get mad cow disease, i will not be responsible for 1000s of deaths this year. yes, it sounds cavalier, but why shouldn't it? i'd be cavalier in a way if i stopped someone about to eat a pickle that fell on the floor. i don't really care what people choose to eat, just as i don't care what people do in their lives in general, as long as it doesn't interfere with mine in a negative way. but there's 4 ways that people who aren't vegetarians react to vegetarians that i've found:

1) jokes, the most common, particularly jokes like, "you want bacon with that!? ha ha ha! or offering me some nasty meat-based dish. what the fuck? do i shove tofu in your face? do i threaten you with vegetables? yeah it's supposed to just be a joke, but come on. even for low-brow it's not that funny.

2) trying to impress - also just as common. "yeah, i don't eat meat that much either" or "oh i tried that, and i wish i stayed like that." ok, you probably should then.

3) pity - "oh you don't eat meat? that's too bad" oh please. justify that in an intelligent way. seriously. i could say the same thing, but i don't, and i wouldn't.

4) defensive words - probably the worst. some people actually get angry. not often, but it happens.

i don't preach, so please don't do the same. if you have opinions, that's awesome, but so do i.

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