
it happens mostly at night
22 November, 2004
# i'm too loud for my downstairs neighbors
yeah, i got the note this morning that specifically called more than 3 occasions where i had been too loud as a neighbor, including the loud sex which was so eloquently referred to as "entertaining guests". i felt bad, i felt horrible. the people who proceeded them once interrupted a night of my "entertaining guests" with a fist fight in which i had threaten the police as a somber dickhead carried a smashed wooden chair out the front door to the garbage. i was too loud for the down stairs neighbors. so they didn't appreciate kraftwerk. i felt like an ass until i read the explanation that they work in advertising, so they work odd hours. advertising, huh? hmmm...yeah, they work in advertising. it must be so annoying to have to live with unexplained, and un-asked for interruptions, isn't it? it must be tough to live with annoyances like being bombarded by something obtrusive that you didn't ask for. what a pain in the ass to have to deal with pop-ups like your loud neighbors "entertaining" their girlfriends at undisclosed hours of the night. sure, my forgotten alarm clock was a pain in the ass, for an hour at a time, on some saturday morning when i wasn't around. advertising takes up a quarter of every hour of TV that i barely watch. ok, ok....i'm being unfair. maybe they advertise for non-profits, maybe they are the 'good guys'. perhaps i should find out what kind of advertising they're in before blasting the organization as a whole, you know, do a little market research first. lumping together occupations, or people is as bad as say...demographics? oops! i did it again. i shouldn't generalize. they extended the olive branch and i should comply. i've got my ice-breaker all planned out - "so what's more annoying? my noise, or commercials?"

i thought all this out on my way to the swillo to meet rob who was high on shrooms as it turns out. at first arrival, after getting a PBR, i headed to the bathroom which had a distinct barn smell. yet, peaceful as it was, i could still hear the bar(n) noise through the slatted swillo door. but peace WAS to be found in the piece of plumbing that looked a lot like a ying-yang. rob went on about hipsters, renee (his new girl) and music. i learned that i have to read some Nietzsche, and so i will. after seeing i heart huckabees i have to get some german existentialism. too much french on the brain.

i hope i'm not typing too loud.

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