
it happens mostly at night
31 May, 2003
as i walked home from a friend's house around 1am there was a street fight. ordinarily i'd stand around and gawk, but instead i barely looked at it. i just sort of walked around it and kept going. i only stopped a few yards away to onlook at it on my way out because the girls the two guy were with started bleating and hooting for the apes to stop fighting. it was like an old movie. they were grabbing at them yelling 'no joey, no!' - or something to that effect. then this little skinny kid started trying to pull them apart. at one point on of the fuckers started making a noise like, 'stop pulling at my sunglasses!'. it was so wussy. then i turn the corner from commonwealth onto harvard street, and outside the 'wonder 'bra'' there were couples making out. dycotomy. i just got an idea for a song that has nothing to do with any of this....have to write. no matter how late or what state of mind i'm in.

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14 May, 2003
the smoking ban in boston sucks big fucking balls.

plain and simple. what a piece of crap legislation that not only takes away a personal right to destroy one's lungs, but also opens the door for similar stupid-ass rules that will only further facilitate the ridiculous the "we have your best interest in mind" kind of legislation. you know who's got the right idea? the fucking dutch. they are geniuses. you're free to fuck up your life in any creative way you can come up with. walk in fron of a speeding trolley and get squished? sorry, no lawsuit - it's darwinism, and besides, you should have been paying attention. there are no railings to protect you from falling in a canal. just don't be stupid and fall in! jesus! but here we have to keep the best interest of the servers and bartenders in mind (most of whom smoke and are also against the ban as far as i can tell). you know what's pulluting my air more, and makes me sick? SU-fcuking-V's! how about we get rid of them! the car companies are making more than the tobacco companies...oh, and they pay more taxes...hmm, maybe that's why they're still around. fuck it. i can't think straight. i'm pissed now. fuck......

okay....so anyway, last night at retroactive was good, because more and more of us as the night went on defied the stupid kindergarten-esque rule and smoked anyway. the servers were cool - it was fun. it better start a trend. plus i got to talk to a cute scenester chick who i've been looking over at since january at Start!.

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02 May, 2003
going bald sucks big friggin' balls!

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