
it happens mostly at night
07 April, 2010
# employ.5

boss: i'm having problems with the e-mail list website. i'm getting that error

me: which error?

b: this one.

m: let me see...oh, yeah, (404 - not found) I was getting that too. start at the main site, and navigate through so you authenticate with your certificate again, then save the bookmark again and it'll work.

b: huh?

m: i can do it for you. [click click save] there you go, all better.

b: no, but i'm still getting the error...

m: where? the page is up...right here...[point to screen]

b: no, i'm still getting the error, see? [points to address bar, 'http://webmoira.mit.edu:444'] see? that 4 something error.

m: *facepalm*



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