
it happens mostly at night
06 February, 2008
ash wednesday always sneaks up, much like the college NBA playoffs (i said this earlier to a co-regular at the bar, 'i know march madness will be happening soon because march is next month...' thus solidifying my knowledge of sports) but ash wednesday is one of those days that i never know when it happens. if you said to me in june 'next wednesday is ash! wednesday...' i would believe you with no question. usually it has been known to me as 'oh no...not you too!?' day at work. but today i didn't notice the first black forehead smudge until shopping after work. then on the T ride home, two girls were stroking each other's hair, hands on thighs and stuff; one of them turned to look at me, and like children of the damned...a smudged forehead. oh no!! not you too!?!?!?

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